How to setup BoPi
Once BoPi or BoPi Basic is installed on your pool’s plubming and electrical system, there is very little setup to do but there is some. That’s all done via the app (iPhone or Android) and using bluetooth.
Bluetooth & permissions
For any setup of BoPi or BoPi Basic, you will need either the Android or iOS app. When you launch it or when you ask it to connect to BoPi for the first time, you will be prompted to allow the use of Bluetooth and your Location. WE DO NOT USE YOUR LOCATION but iOS and Android both require apps to ask for it when one wants to use Bluetooth. We have to comply but we do not use or store your location. We do respect your privacy.
Now that’s out of the way, you’ll be able to connect to BoPi or BoPi Basic simply by taping the connect button in the app’s homescreen. Please check that you’ve turned it on beforehand.
Once connected, the app’s Dashboard will show up and at the very least, you should see Air temperature and Humidity from the sensor on the motherboard.
From there you can go to the settings tab and start the setup process.
Nothing is forever and the setup settings can be changed later if you so wish to.
Relay setup
BoPi and BoPi Basic have 4 relays that you can wire and setup as you please. The only thing needed here is to define which relay does what.
For that you will just need to scroll down the settings to the relay setup and for each relay, define its use.
You can also test each relay by turning it on and off from the settings page to confirm your wiring.
Pool Settings
BoPi will need to know your pool’s volume in order to regulate how much product it injects. You don’t need the precise number, just an approximation will do. BoPi will learn over time how your pool reacts to product and how much it needs.
This is also where you défine how the pump is ran and if applicable the settings for that mode.

Network settings
BoPi and BoPi Basic can connect to the internet to store your pool’s status on our servers and allow you to check up on it from anywhere in the world.
This is not needed nor necessary, BoPi and BoPi Basic are perfectly happy without internet access. The reason why we use our servers to store the data is that we do not want to create vunerabilities in your network so BoPi and BoPi Basic can’t be accessed directly. All information transits through our servers and even it can never connect directly to your device.
If you wish to use BoPi Cloud Services, you can setup BoPi or BoPi Basic to connect to your wifi network.
Two years of BoPi Cloud services are included with your purchase of BoPi or BoPi Basic.

pH Settings
BoPi can régulate the pH levels of your pool. To enable this functionnality, you will have to set a few things in the pH section so that BoPi knows how you expect it to run.
You can also define your pH target (7.3 is a common target for most pools but may vary depending on your local water’s natural pH).

Redox Settings
BoPi can régulate the ORP levels of your pool. To enable this functionnality, you will have to set a few things in the ORP section so that BoPi knows how you expect it to run.
You can also define your ORP target (750mV is a common target for most pools but may vary depending on your preference and sensitive skin requirements).

Peristaltic Pumps
BoPi can have up to two peristaltic pumps to inject products in your pool as needed. You can configure what product is in what pump so that BoPi knows which pump to activate when the time comes.
You can also prime the pumps when you first add product or when the product runs out. This will reduce the time before the product actually makes it to the pool.